Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Construction

Storage Tank Maintenance & Water Tower Maintenance

CFG INDUSTRIESS LLC provides comprehensive storage tank maintenance and water tower maintenance designed to meet the needs of your operation. Using methods approved through industry standards, our maintenance services deliver unmatched value to our clients. Our services include:


If a storage tank or water tower is taken out of service, it is cleaned using a high pressure power washing system.


During an inspection, damage to the tank’s interior and exterior coatings may be present. This is due to the fact of being in a corrosive environment, volatile chemicals or exterior exposure to environmental elements. If damage is found, the correct solutions are implemented to provide the protection the tank needs based on its application.


During storage tank maintenance and water tower maintenance, areas in need of repair are identified. Repair solutions are implemented to improve tank or tower performance, eliminate further damage, and extend equipment service life.


Capabilities and Services - (Design, Fabrication and Installation)


Concrete, Office

 •        Fabrication and Installation

•        Custom pipe modification

•        Tank upgrade and repair

•        Specialty Metal Welding

•        OSHA - Hot work and confined space trained

•        Construction and Design
